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Environmental Consulting

Located in Logan, Utah – proudly serving much of the western United States since 2000.

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John Stewart

Terrestrial Ecologist/Wetland Specialist

John is a terrestrial ecologist experienced in dealing with a wide variety of natural resource issues, emphasizing botany, wetland delineation and permitting, wildlife, range management, regulatory compliance, and technical writing. Working in the environmental field since 1993, and with Cirrus since its inception in 2000, his professional experience includes surveys for federally listed threatened, endangered, and candidate plant and wildlife species as well as state and Forest Service sensitive species, ESA compliance (including Biological Assessments), general vegetation surveys and inventories, and community descriptions of habitats ranging from desert to alpine ecosystems.

His wetland expertise includes jurisdictional delineation, functional value analysis, impact avoidance planning, 404 permitting, and mitigation planning and implementation. He has managed surveys for terrestrial plants and wildlife as part of the permitting process for geophysical surveys for oil and gas resources.

He has worked on numerous NEPA project teams addressing a variety of proposed actions and has been an expert witness. He has provided technical analysis and writing for other biological, physical, and human-resource disciplines. When he is not working, John enjoys the great outdoors, wandering with his dog, bicycling, gardening, and nature photography. Many of his photographs appear on Cirrus's website. When the weather precludes these pursuits, John may be found working on his house or puttering in the shop.

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