Cirrus Ecological Solutions Lc Logo

Environmental Consulting

Located in Logan, Utah – proudly serving much of the western United States since 2000.

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Judy Seamons

Office Manager/Document Production Specialist

Judy is an experienced document production specialist and desktop publisher, bookkeeper, and office manager. Working in these areas since 1989, and with Cirrus since 2000, she has demonstrated excellence in completing numerous high-quality marketing presentations, project proposals, and environmental documents including environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, technical reports, Biological Assessments and evaluations, and TMDL reports. She is also skilled in maintaining and indexing administrative records for NEPA projects. As our bookkeeper and office manager, she assists in most aspects of business management and administration on a daily basis.

When not at the office, Judy enjoys decorative painting and Norwegian Rosemaling. She also spends a lot of time ensuring that she maintains her “favorite aunt” status with her three nieces and spending time with other family members.

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