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Environmental Consulting

Located in Logan, Utah – proudly serving much of the western United States since 2000.

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Scott Evans

NEPA Specialist/Natural Resource Manager/Economics

Scott has first-hand knowledge and experience in private as well as public aspects of resource use, management, and planning. He is experienced in natural resource, business, and project management, range science, economics, livestock production, and reclamation. He has worked in the environmental field since 1992, becoming a founding partner of Cirrus Ecological Solutions, LC, in 2000. He is the owner of Cirrus and has been active in the company’s day-to-day operations and project management since its inception. He has worked as a business manager, a project manager, a natural resource and socioeconomic specialist, a pipeline inspector, and an expert witness.

As a project manager, he has led numerous small and large NEPA analyses (focusing on recreation, livestock grazing, and energy related projects), several TMDL water quality projects, resource management plans, and environmental site assessments. He demonstrates expertise in the management of complex projects and on-the-ground decision making as well as an in-depth understanding of the environmental compliance process. He has provided expert witness testimony for range and livestock production issues.

He worked as a head environmental inspector for pipeline construction and has provided oversight in various reclamation efforts. He also taught at the university level in range economics and ranch inventory and management planning. Prior to establishing Cirrus, he had 14 years of professional experience.

Scott was raised on a large cattle ranch outside Park City, Utah, when it was still a rural community. He enjoys working on the land and spending time with his horses and mules. He remains semi-active with the management of his family ranch now located in southern Utah, which runs between 400 and 500 head of purebred Beefmaster cattle. He enjoys spending time with his family, working with them on various projects, and watching his children develop and share their talents.

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