Project Profiles
Cirrus has completed a variety of projects for a wide array of clients, both private and public. Projects have been completed in the areas of recreation, energy, water, livestock grazing, land use planning, environmental site assessment, and litigation. Brief descriptions of these categories and recent projects are provided. A listing and short description of most all of our projects and all categories are provided in our Statement of Corporate Qualifications.
Cirrus manages in-house and subcontract specialists to address the full range of physical, biological, and human impacts for the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), Categorical Exclusions (CEs), Biological Assessments (BA)/Biological Evaluations (BE), Section 7 consultation, technical reports, and other NEPA related documents as needed for the specific project. Cirrus works and coordinates with multiple agencies as well as shareholders and the public to complete the NEPA process.
• Biological Studies and Rangelands