Biological Studies and Rangelands
Cirrus assists government agencies and private landowners to provide NEPA analyses for the issuance of grazing permit renewals and other rangeland improvements (including rangeland seeding and construction of wells, pipelines, and water catchments). These analyses identifying potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the proposed action and alternatives including soil and watershed, riparian, rangeland, wildlife, fisheries, botany federally listed plant and wildlife species, and recreation resources.
Wildlife, Botany, and TES species
- Ashton Wildlife Enhancement Plan Update, Idaho
- Bluebell Road Realignment, Utah
- Dell Creek and Forest Park Elk Feedgrounds EIS, Wyoming
- Habitat Evaluation Report for CUPCA Bonneville Wildlife Mitigation Parcels, Utah
- Invasive Plant Species EIS for the Caribou-Targhee National Forest and Curlew National Grasslands, Idaho
- Jarbidge Biological Assessment for the Resource Management Plan/EIS, Idaho
- Pygmy Rabbit Inventory at Craters of the Moon, Idaho
- Ute Ladies’-Tresses Surveys, Utah National Guard, Utah
- Twelve Mile Canyon Goshawk Surveys, Utah
- Bridger-Teton National Forest Range Specialist Report, Wyoming
- Broadmouth Fire, Box Elder County, Utah
- Deseret Permit Renewal EA, Utah
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Water Projects EAs, Utah
- Pinedale Ranger District Livestock Grazing Authorization EA, Wyoming
- Santa Rosa Rangeland Management Project EA assistance, Nevada
- Star Valley Conservation District Rangeland Health Assessment Data Gathering, Wyoming
- Three Creeks Grazing Allotment Consolidation EA, Utah